Friday, October 12, 2012

Go play! Makahiki (the Hawaiian New Year) begins

Makali'i the constellation the Pleiades is rising in the Eastern sky. From our home in the woods of Langley the small eyes of Makali'i can be seen if you're awake early in the morning sky ... and blessed with a cloudless heaven. Hawaiians mark time along a Lunar Calendar, and celebrate the beginning of a New Year with the rising of the Pleiades as a 'place holder.' Once Makali'i is seen in the eastern sky, it is the first NEW MOON to follow that begins MAKAHIKI, the season of harvest, a cessation of war, and a time for playing games and giving thanks. (Taxes were also traditionally gathered during Makahiki, so there you have it some things are transportable) Monday, October 15, 2012 is NEW MOON and MAKAHIKI.

One of the games of strategy and connection played during Makahiki is KONANE. The ancient two-person board game has been played by chiefs and ali'i, maka'ainana (people of the land), adults and children. Similar to checkers the game is one of jumps-and-takes. However, the similarity ends there. Winning is not about how much you have at the end of the game; the winner is he/she who makes the last move. There is a resurgence of interest in the simple to learn, yet difficult to master board game. My son reintroduced us to KONANE this spring. He took me to Double Bluff where we hunted for the small black and white 'ili (small stones) for playing while makani kama'aina (the familiar winds of that area) blew fiercely at our faces making it a memorable gathering time. Since then our family has made paper papamu (game boards) and sat at the wooden picnic table under the apple tree to play KONANE.

My family would like to invite individuals and families to join us for Makahiki (a four-month celebration beginning October 15) where we'll learn and play KONANE and get to know some new people while we have some fun.

WE'RE JUST SETTING THINGS UP. So there are no experts just us Kupa 'aina (simple island people).
I'm looking for a date and time sometime in October to get together with interested folks at THE COMMONS in Langley.

  • If you're a Hawaiian, or Hawaiian at heart.
  • If you're looking for something fun to do now that the rains are back.
  • If you're wanting to talk story, hear some lilting kanaka pidgin, and maybe play some ukulele, and share haupia or something ono like that
  • If you're looking for a way to tune your brain waves, and your heart strings 

KONANE On WHIDBEY might be just your speed. Give me or Pete an email if you're interested or curious. Hope to see you at the board.

If you need more incentive to learn more about Konane .... 
While you're thinking about it, check out the sidebar to the right ------> Click on the MOKU TO MOKU link. It will take you to Kauai, beautiful Kauai, where John Kaohelaulii of Hawaiian Checkers.Com is fanning the flames of the konane revival. The website is interactive and educational; and an inspiration to me to grow the love on this moku (island), too. John is a great guy, and the son of one of my dear friends back there in Hawaii nei.

Hauoli Makahiki Hou (Happy New Year).

A hui hou,
Mokihana and Pete

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